8BY8 Girls football

Experience football, progress to teams. 8BY8 Wildcats.

Join us Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays and get involved with the nations fastest growing sport, with local leading female coaches!


8BY8 Girls Football

Open to all girls from reception to year 6.
The girls are separated into relevant age groups and enjoy a 10 minute warm up, 20 minute technical drill or game, followed by 30 minutes worth of matches!

Mondays- Richmond Wildcats 5pm-6pm (Poynton Sports Club, London Road North, SK12 1 AG)
Associated with Richmond Rovers Junior Football Club

Wednesdays- Mountfield Wildcats 5.30pm-6.30pm (Lumb Lane Playing Fields, Bramhall, SK7 1LR)
Associated with Mountfield Rovers Junior Football Club

8BY8 Girls Technical Development

Open to girls from year 2 to year 7, who are ready for further technical development.
The girls enjoy a 10 minute warm up, 20 minutes unopposed techniques, followed by 30 minutes matches with minimum 10 minutes conditioned play.

Fridays 5pm-6pm (Richmond Rovers JFC Pitches, Jackson’s Lane, Hazel Grove, SK7 5JS- Opposite the High School)

Session is attended by booking for the half term or until the end of the term if starting half way through.
To confirm attendance please book a place using the button below.